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How do I access my Home in the SPAN App?

  • Updated

Setting up your account in the SPAN Home App is the final step of your installation. Instructions to activate your account will be sent to the email address that you provide to your installer before they leave the site.

Look for an email with the subject line “Welcome to Span!” from Be sure to unblock this address from your junk mail filters for future messages.

If you did not receive the email from your installer:

  • Confirm the email address that your installer used to invite you to your account is correct

  • Check your spam or junk folder

  • Try having your installer send the invite to a different email address

  • Download the SPAN Home App and on the login screen, choose "Resend Access Link" to get the email invite resent. 
  • If all else is correct, contact SPAN Support

I have SPAN in my new home, now what?

The final steps of your installation require your installer to complete what is called the “commissioning” process. During this step, your installer will use their SPAN Installer App to:

  • Add in your site information.

  • Input your breaker information and layout, and send you a copy of your breaker map.

  • Add any solar or storage hardware, you currently have.

  • Send you the invitation to download the SPAN Home App.

Commissioning is dependent on SPAN having a working internet connection. For new home construction or major renovation sites, where the internet is not available, your installer will likely complete the installation of SPAN Panel hardware first. You will not yet be able to access your SPAN Panel.

Once your home has a working internet connection, please reach out to your installer and schedule time for them to return to your home and complete this final step of your installation, configuring your Panel and providing you with access to your SPAN Home.

If your installer has any questions regarding your installation or the commissioning process, please have them contact SPAN Support for help.