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SPAN Drive Troubleshooting

  • Updated

In the event that your SPAN Drive experiences unexpected behaviors, we recommend:

  • Unplug Drive from your car and then plug it back in.
  • Turn off the Drive breaker in your Panel, wait 10 seconds, and turn the breaker back on.

What do the colors on my Drive mean?

No LEDs visible

Power supply issue; charging is disabled


Idle - vehicle is not connected


Vehicle is connected. If solid, the vehicle is not charging. If pulsing, the vehicle is charging.


Drive is being set up by your Installer


Drive has lost communication with Panel


Rebooting or Updating - vehicle cannot be charged during this time


Drive is experiencing a fault state*

*If your Drive is experiencing a fault state, please note how many times the unit blinks before experiencing a 1 second pause before contacting Support

My SPAN Drive LED light is Red!!

If your Drive is displaying a Red LED light, this means you are currently experiencing a 'fault' state. Follow the below troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue and get back to charging:

  • Check the Home App to see if an error message is displayed. If so, follow the steps suggested in the Home App and wait 2 minutes to see if the error clears.
  • Unplug Drive from your car, and then plug it back in.
  • Turn the SPAN Drive breaker off, wait 10 seconds, and turn the breaker back on.
  • If turning the breaker off and back on does not work, note how many times the unit blinks red before pausing for 1 second.
  • If the issue continues to persist, contact SPAN Support.

My car is not charging at its max charge rate!

Drive is designed to dynamically adjust the charging rate based on the available loads in your home. Check the Home App if your home loads are high and whether Drive has decreased the charging rate to assist your home. If so, this behavior is expected.

  • Check your vehicle-side settings. If you have a schedule configured, set your vehicle to charge immediately. If there is a vehicle-side notification that charging has stopped, wait 2 minutes and see if charging resumes.
  • Unplug Drive from your car, and then plug it back in.
  • If Drive is displaying a Red LED or your Home App is displaying an error message, first follow the steps suggested in the Home App and wait 2 minutes to see if the error clears. If not, turn the SPAN Drive breaker off, wait 10 seconds, and turn the breaker back on.
  • If the issue continues to persist, contact SPAN Support.

SPAN Support is available Monday - Friday, 5am-6pm PT via phone or email.

If you are experiencing an urgent issue that cannot be resolved by the above troubleshooting steps, please call SPAN Support at 415.286.5252 and leave a detailed message and we will prioritize your request during the following business day.

For life-threatening emergencies, please call 911. If you need emergency electrical support, please contact your local electrician’s emergency line.